Coach and Teacher Applications We are seeking the following coaches for the 2025-2026 School year. Assistant Football, Girls Volleyball, Cross Country, Girls Basketball, Track and Cheer.For more information, an applicant can contact our Athletic Director, Mrs. Tiffany Combs at tcombs@trinityhigh.orgThank you so much! Apply Now Employment Form Position Applying For * Name * First Name Last Name Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Home Phone # (###) ### #### Cell Phone # * (###) ### #### Email * Social Security Number (Mandatory) * Present Church Membership and Denominational Preference Total Years of Teaching Experience * Total Years of Administrative Experience Total Years of other experience (Please specify) Reference Name * First Name Last Name Position Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Reference Phone # * (###) ### #### Reference Email Reference Name First Name Last Name Position Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Reference Phone # (###) ### #### Reference Email Reference Name First Name Last Name Position Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Reference Phone # (###) ### #### Reference Email Reference Name First Name Last Name Position Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Reference Phone # (###) ### #### Reference Email PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Present Position) Dates Employed Work Performed School Name School Phone # (###) ### #### Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Supervisor's Name Supervisor's Phone # (###) ### #### Reason for Leaving May we contact your present/former employer? Position Dates Employed Text Work Performed Phone # (###) ### #### Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Supervisor's Name Supervisor's Phone # (###) ### #### Reason for Leaving May we contact your present/former employer? Position Dates Employed Work Performed Phone # (###) ### #### Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Supervisor's Name Supervisor's Phone # (###) ### #### Reason for Leaving May we contact your present/former employer? Certification Type Grade Level(s) State Exp. Date EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND (High School Name) Location Date of Graduation GPA College/University Name Location Date of Graduation Major Degree GPA College/University Name Location Date of Graduation Major Degree GPA Special Skills & Qualifications Summarize special teaching and/or administrative related skills and qualifications acquired from employment or other experiences. What should distinguish a Christian school from a non-Christian school? Why do you wish to work in a Christian school? Please list sports or activities that you would be capable and willing to direct, sponsor, advise or coach. Please check the box of the procedure you would use for dealing with a conflict between a parent & teacher: 1. First I would pray about it and ask God's guidance. 2. I would clarify the guidelines that I should follow from the administration. 3. I would attempt to resolve the conflict with the parent first by actively listening to their complaint. 4. I would then pray and brainstorm the best possible conflict resolution. 5. Hopefully the conflict can be resolved, but if not, I will ask for assistance from my superiors. Please check the box of the procedure you would use for dealing with a conflict between a student & student: 1. Let the students calm down and help them to receive this calmness. 2. Have the students share with each other the issues they have and then check that each of them understand what the issue is. 3. After sharing encourage them to take responsibility for their actions and facilitate this by asking open ended questions. 4. Then we would brainstorm solutions together 5. Then they will choose a solution. 6. I would follow up and check for progress and express thanks. Please check the box of the procedure you would use for dealing with a conflict between a teacher & student: 1. First recognize their emotions. 2. Briefly describe the problem with the students and share your positive intentions. 3. Then I would actively listen and seek first to understand the conflict. 4. I would share my perspective of the problem and the impact. 5. We would then work together on an action plan or next steps. 6. Finally I would encourage them to forgive each other and express thanks for calmly working out a solution. How would you characterize your leadership style? What are your life goals or career objectives? CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE Please provide a brief testimony of your salvation. PERSPECTIVES Please share your thoughts about dating boundaries for couples? What experience have you had in mentoring someone? How do you use social media? What impact do you see your activity on social media having in your professional relationships? How would you counsel a student who has questions about the following: Divorce, Rated R Movies and Dating. Printed Signature * First Name Last Name Thank you!