Financial Aid

Trinity Christian High School offers a quality Christian education with many outstanding curricular and extra-curricular programs for your student to enjoy. We recognize that it takes a tremendous financial sacrifice to pay for tuition at a private school. To assist families to finance our tuition and fees, the TCHS Board offers a variety of payment plans and is committed to offering a portion of our operating income each year as scholarships to families who demonstrate need.

To make the fairest and most equitable estimates of a family’s ability to pay tuition, we utilize the FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment, which analyzes individual financial statements and recommends an amount that each family can afford to spend on a child’s education.



  1. In February of each academic year, the School Board of Trinity Christian High School will determine the total dollar amount that will be available for financial assistance for students in the next year.

    1. The Board will set the maximum dollar amount that will be offered to each qualifying student. And may

    2. Set the maximum number of financial assistance grants that will be offered.

  2. Parents who desire financial assistance will be directed to the website of our grant and aid assessment company: Parents will complete the online application, pay the $35.00 application fee and submit their IRS paperwork, no later than March 15th.

  3. Facts Grant and Aid Assessment will process the information and provide TCHS with their assessment of the applying families’ EFC (expected family contribution) by March 30th.

  4. The Financial Assistance sub-committee will meet to review applications and determine the amount awarded to each family.

  5. The Admissions office will advise families, by mail, of their tuition award by April 15th. Families will need to accept their awards by May 1st. Families are only eligible for one discount. If financial aid is awarded, the family is not eligible for the one or two payment discounts, the referral discount (although they are eligible for the referral bonus gift card) or the affiliate church discount.

  6. Students who receive financial assistance must maintain a “C” or better average in each of their academic classes, and have no failing grades in EACH grading period (Quarter 1, Semester 1, Quarter 3 and Semester 2.) Failure to do so may result in a revocation of the student’s financial assistance.


Online Application for Grades 5-12


High School Tuition Schedule